The story of the family behind the first luxury caravan ever built
Bob’s Great Grandfather, Dr William Gordon Stables, designed the worlds first ever luxury leisure caravan in Twyford, England in the late 1800s.
As a doctor of medicine, he firmly believed that “those in search of health and wholeness will find the pleasure of caravanning, that perfect rest and freedom for all the care which is so calming to shattered nerves, weary brains and aching hearts.”
In 1855 Bob’s Great Grandfather went on a 1,300 mile tour in his famous caravan named Wanderer from England to Scotland. After his journey, he made it a priority to go on an adventure in his horse-drawn Wanderer every year for the rest of his life.
Dr Gordon Stables’ concept was a travelers dream of home. It was made of the best mahogany, lined with maple and adorned with black and gold moldings. It has described as being over-furnished cosiness, with every comfort of home conceivable. He had a piano stool, a place for his violin, flute and other instruments as well as curtains which when open, created a cosy lounge area, but when drawn created a romantic bedroom.
Richard (Dr Gordon-Stables’ grandson) started building caravans in New Plymouth after returning from second world war. He built several caravans over the next ten years while farming. He proudly towed his hand-built caravan all over New Zealand with a 39 Ford Mercury and 9 family members. He is a true traveler in every sense like his grandfather whom he unfortunately never met.
Bob Gordon-Stables founded Village Autos in 1989 and sold Japanese cars and buses. In the early 1990s later Village Autos imported motorhomes from the USA and converted them to right hand drive’s.
Originally set up as a car yard by Bob Gordon-Stables in 1989, Taranaki RV Centre has grown to be one of the largest importers of new motorhomes and buses in New Zealand. They specialised in the sale of new motorhomes from the UK and Europe.
Taranaki RV Centre became to Nationwide RV with four different locations across New Zealand. Our motorhomes, today’s version of the Doctor’s caravan, continue to serve those wanting to obtain freedom, take advantage or get some much needed rest from modern day stressors. They are purpose-designed to suit our New Zealand terrain, temperatures and road conditions.